The Lion's Gate Portal holds significant spiritual importance due to its alignment with specific astrological events. On or around August 8th (July 26-August 12) each year, the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo, and it aligns with the star Sirius and the Earth. This cosmic alignment is believed to create a powerful influx of energy, which holds several spiritual implications:
1. Spiritual Awakening: The heightened energy during the Lion's Gate Portal is believed to support spiritual awakening and expanded consciousness. Many people report experiencing increased intuition, clarity, and insights during this time.
2. Inner Transformation: The energy of the portal can act as a catalyst for inner transformation and personal growth. It provides an opportunity to release old patterns, beliefs, and emotional baggage, allowing individuals to embrace positive change and healing.
3. Manifestation: The Lion's Gate Portal is considered a potent time for manifestation. It is believed that setting clear intentions during this period can have a more profound impact on bringing desired outcomes into reality.
4. Connection with Higher Self: Many individuals feel a stronger connection to their higher self, spiritual guides, and the universe during the Lion's Gate Portal. This alignment supports a deeper sense of spiritual connection and guidance.
5. Rebirth and Renewal: The Lion's Gate Portal is often associated with themes of rebirth and renewal. It symbolizes a fresh start and the opportunity to step into a higher version of oneself.
6. Heart-Centered Energy: Leo, the sign associated with the Lion's Gate Portal, is ruled by the Sun and represents the heart. The energy during this time encourages individuals to embrace love, compassion, and generosity.
7. Collective Consciousness: Some spiritual beliefs suggest that during this portal, there is an alignment with the collective consciousness, allowing individuals to tap into the energy and intentions of the global community.
It's essential to approach the Lion's Gate Portal with an open mind and heart, being receptive to the transformative energies it offers. Many people use this time for meditation, self-reflection, and spiritual practices to harness the energy and align with their higher purpose.
What comes into your awareness will be given energy. Focus only on that which you want to see in your life and in the world around you. Focus on love, joy, peace and hope.
Divine Union - 8/8
To make the most of the Lion’s Gate Portal, you can focus on the following Spiritually:
1. Self-Reflection: Take time to introspect and gain a deeper understanding of your true self and life purpose.
2. Set Intentions: Use the energy of the portal to set clear and positive intentions for your personal and spiritual growth.
3. Meditation and Mindfulness: Engage in regular meditation practices to connect with your inner self and embrace the present moment.
4. Release and Let Go: Identify any emotional baggage or negative patterns that no longer serve you and release them to make space for positive changes.
5. Creativity and Expression: Embrace your creativity and explore different forms of self-expression to connect with your authentic self.
6. Gratitude: Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the blessings in your life and focus on the positive aspects.
7. Spiritual Practices: Engage in activities that resonates with you spiritually, such as yoga, journaling, or energy healing.
Love & Light,
Cristie 🫶