My magic sparked yesterday, a wave of energy and emotion crashing into me like a celestial tide. It took the simple, loving hug from one of my adopted children, and their gentle reminder that I don't always have to be strong, to reveal the truth: I had unconsciously been holding back a torrent. I'd been feeling inexplicably tired, fatigued, but the root of it all lay deeper.
My relationship with my mother has been a journey of mending, a tapestry woven with threads of both pain and burgeoning love. This past Saturday, she was life-flighted to the hospital. I rushed to her side, and even though she was asleep, she grasped my hand with surprising strength. When she awoke, her eyes met mine, and a flood of tears and heartfelt apologies poured forth. In that instant, my instinct was to gather all my strength, to anchor myself, drawing that sacral/root energy deep within so I could be her rock. Unknowingly, I also pushed down my own swirling emotions, my own grief and fear.
The tears began to flow, days later. Tears for so many reasons. When I finally recognized the dam I had built within, my first impulse was to shut it down. It’s human nature, isn't it? But this time, I was held in the arms of love and grace, in a space where I could simply be. I was given permission to let the energy and emotions flow, as they were meant to.
I am blessed to be surrounded with humans like this in my life. I am also blessed to have the awareness to process these experiences relatively quickly, yet it still took me days to see what I had done. I haven't always possessed this ability. And it makes me wonder... how many times in your life, dear reader, have you unconsciously suppressed your energy and emotions, carrying them around like a meaningless trophy, a weight that serves no purpose?
I offer this reminder: Energy and emotions are like a river, constantly moving, ever-changing. They are not meant to be dammed or held stagnant. When we block their natural flow, we become burdened by the weight of these "trophies" – these unacknowledged feelings – that ultimately hold no true value. Let your emotions flow, release the stagnant energy, and reclaim the lightness that is your birthright. Let your spirit soar.
Imagine, if you will, a river. It begins as a trickle, perhaps, high in the mountains, fed by melting snow and spring rains. It flows, sometimes gently meandering through meadows, sometimes rushing through rocky canyons, but always moving, always changing. Along its journey, it nourishes the land, provides a home for countless creatures, and eventually flows into the vast ocean, where it becomes part of something larger, something magnificent.
Our emotions are much the same. They are the trickles, the streams, the powerful currents that flow through us. They are born from our experiences, our interactions, our very being. They are meant to move, to change, to transform. Joy, sorrow, anger, fear – each one is a vital part of the river of our lives. To dam up that river, to hold back any of those emotions, is to stagnate the flow of life itself.
And what happens when a river is dammed? The water becomes stagnant, the land around it can become flooded or parched, and the ecosystem suffers. Similarly, when we suppress our emotions, we create stagnation within ourselves. We become weighed down by the unexpressed, the unfelt, the unresolved. This weight can manifest as fatigue, as anxiety, as physical ailments, or even as a sense of disconnection from ourselves and others.
So, how do we allow the river to flow freely? It begins with awareness. Start to notice the subtle shifts in your inner landscape. Pay attention to the feelings that arise within you, without judgment, ONLY GRACE. Acknowledge them, allow them to be, and resist the urge to push them away. It's okay to feel sad, it's okay to feel angry, it's okay to feel whatever it is you're feeling. These emotions are messengers, offering valuable insights into your inner world.
And just as a river needs space to flow, we too need space to process our emotions. Find healthy outlets for your feelings. Talk to a trusted friend, journal, create art, move your body, spend time in nature – whatever resonates with you. The key is to allow the energy to move, to express itself, to transform.
This isn't always easy. We live in a world that often tells us to be strong, to hold it together, to not show our emotions. But true strength lies not in suppressing our feelings, but in acknowledging them, in allowing them to flow, and in learning from them. It's in embracing the full spectrum of human experience, the light and the shadow, the joy and the sorrow, the love and the loss. For it is in this embrace that we discover our true selves, our resilience, our capacity for healing and growth. Let the river flow, and you will find your own strength, your own magic, within its current.
I’m now taking new clients if you have been looking to really tackle these repressed energies & emotions. Reach out and let’s get started.
With Love & Flowing Energy,
Cristie Shoemaker 🫶✨