Pisces Super Blue Moon
Once in a Blue Moon…
This Moon may not technically look blue, but it is the 2nd Full Moon in the month of August thus giving it the title of a Blue Moon. It’s also in the wateriest of water signs, Pisces. As the great Mystic, Pisces moves in between worlds with fluidity but in no real direction. During this lunation you may feel a little lost, foggy, extremely tired and in need of peace, solitude and rest. It’s in the imagination, the dream world or the subconscious mind that Pisces finds solace, she can easily make up her own reality to take any direction she pleases, with no say from anything or anyone else. If you feel the need to retreat into solitude, spend time alone in meditation, sleep or deep contemplation this is the Pisces energy asking you to listen and acknowledge your need for restoration. It is so damn healing to be able to be okay alone so that you can go within yourself, your inner world and really feel through it all. Pisces is a healer and this is how she finds comfort, through emotion.
If this lunation isn’t emotional enough it’s also a Super Moon, this means the Moon is at her perigee or as close to the Earth as she can get. Yes, this is rare and the last time it happened was 2016, it will not happen again until 2034. This is due to The Black Moon Liliths position in the sky. She is in Virgo right next to the Sun which allows the Moon to be closer to Earth. During the last New Moon we had, she was next to the Sun and Moon. What the Frick does that even mean. It means whatever part of our shadow self needed to be acknowledged during the New Moon in Leo may be coming to a culmination point during this Full Moon.
A Full Moon happens when the Sun (in Virgo) sits directly across from the Moon (in Pisces). This creates an aspect called an opposition which means balance is needed or a decision needs to be made. Something has to be released or compromise is needed in order to find balance and reap the fruits of your intention that was set during the New Moon in Pisces back in February or during the Leo New Moon.
This Full Moon will come exact at 7⁰ Pisces, so if you have natal planets at or around this degree they will be activated. The Pisces/Virgo axis in your chart will also be activated (see my Mercury Rx Post), so if you have planets around 7⁰ of Virgo they will become active. This is also true for the other mutable signs of Sagittarius and Gemini.
Jupiter, the dispositor of this Moon event (ruler of Pisces) is in Taurus at a stand still in a very slow sign, preparing to enter retrograde. As well as Neptune, in Pisces.
This unfortunately really adds to the stagnant, stand still energy. We are being called to just be okay with being in peace. When a break is needed it's so hard not to feel boredom sneak in and the need for something new and exciting is tempting. Sabotaging the peace will not be helpful or healing. Going with the flow is what Pisces does best.
Virgo rules over our overall well-being, health, daily routine, service and work. Pisces rules over healing, dreams, escapism, beliefs and mental/spiritual exploration. You may feel a push and pull between these areas of life on an emotional level. Neither of these signs have strong boundaries, especially Pisces. Virgo is more realistic as an Earth sign, but will work themselves into burn out.
Saturn, ruler of boundaries, structure, rules, responsibility and commitment is also in Pisces, in retrograde, and will be right beside the Moon. Saturn may cause some challenge, limitation or restrictions when it comes to your responsibilities vs your rest.
Perhaps you've been taking too much time to yourself and expect others to fill in or your taking from others energy.
Perhaps you've been overworking yourself and giving too much of your energy away. If you don't balance this give and take out then this could be a challenging energy for you. Saturn may give you a big old wake up call, a karmic lesson or closure where it is needed.
The Sun is going to illuminate the shadow side of the Moon so some repressed needs may come out if you didn't allow them too during the last lunation. We are also in a 7 planet retrograde season. The energy is basically begging us to take some time out, go inward and really contemplate where you're at, what you're doing and how far you've come, alone. With the Moon so close to us, in such an emotionally driven sign, a sign of reception, intuition and creativity. It's time to really feel, allow yourself to feel, acknowledge your feelings and needs. Show them gratitude.
Emotions are our greatest strength!
My best advice is to meditate and journal it all out. Make Moon water and rip the paper up, throw it in the water and allow it to dissolve. Or burn it! Release it.
Wishing you all the best, always!
Cristie 🫶🌕