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Writer's picture: Cristie ShoemakerCristie Shoemaker

Some of the questions I get asked on a regular basis, are-

How do you protect your energy?

How do you not let energy vampires suck all your energy, working with people on a daily basis?

How do you not become a sponge for others energy?

The answer is simple...

White✨ Light Protection:

All you need to use is white light protection. I cannot express this enough. You can quite literally create a bubble of protection around you. This bubble will help keep other people’s energy at bay. Kind of like a force field.

I learned this technique from the Monroe Institute. It’s called a REBAL. (Pronounced like ree-ball) It stands for Resonant Energy Balloon.

Here’s how it works:

“You set your intention to increase your energy. By inhaling white light of the highest frequency, and then exhaling this energy out the top of the head, down around the body, and up through the feet, you become surrounded in a ball of white light and energy of the highest vibrational frequency. You can then inhale and exhale again to expand it further, as many times as you wish. Visualize your REBAL containing everything good, pure, and wonderful, and letting out anything impure and negative. The outside of the REBAL can then protect against negative energies.”

Doing this will protect you from other people sponging your energy. So it’s really important to do this when you’re in crowds or near large groups of people. ❤️


It’s also important to smudge. You take a bundle of sage, lavender, cedar, rosemary, or other cleansing herbs, and you light one end of it. You need some sort of a heat-proof seashell, bowl or tray to catch the ash and burning embers that will fall. Open your doors and windows, then move from the back of your house to the front of your house, wafting the smoke in each room. Be sure to smudge the corners, closets and even under beds and in cabinets. If you have any new items or objects in your home, it’s good to smudge them too. Also be sure to waft the smoke towards your body too, and even get your feet and hair with the smoke. When you’re done, you can close the doors and windows.


And last but not least… Affirmations.

It’s important to do cleansing affirmations, at least  once at the end of the day.

This is the one my soul guides recommended for me during a session.

“I empty myself of mind, body and spirit, of all the energy of this day. I return it back to Source with peace and love.”

You can also say:

“I empty myself of mind, body and spirit, of all the energy that does not belong to me. I return it back to Source with peace and love.”

As a bonus, they also gave me advice on finding closure, which I feel inclined to share with you. It helps with clearing out old junk we’re still holding on to. That junk can hold us back in many ways, so this is also important. (Especially if you don’t meditate. Meditation is also how you can clear out the junk)

Write down a list of all the formal things that you would like closure on in your life.

Once you’ve made your list you say to yourself in the mirror, (even give a little wave to your human nature if you feel so inclined) and say-

HI Spirit it's me. I just need you to know, I am about to have formal closure on all of these things. Then read the list out loud.

As you read it out, gauge any emotions that may rise to the surface or start pouring out of your system.

After you finished, you say to your human nature, I am so full of gratitude and love for all the experiences I’ve had, but I choose to close this door now.

These are some basic steps you can start implementing into your daily life. When you feel overwhelmed, or out of sorts- try these simple steps.

We will be getting back to classes in the Fall. These are some of the things we teach in Soul Shift-Level Up Within. We would love to have you join.

Have a wonderful Summer.

Love & Light,

Cristie 🫶✨

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Thank you for this useful information!!! I will be doing the things I don’t already do.

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